Clear Cut: Exploring The Indian Landscape In A ‘VUCA’ World

  • May 17, 2024
  • 47:58 Mins
YouTube video

What does it take to stay afloat in a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity) world? Because it seems like the dealmaking realm in India may be facing constant and unpredictable change. So, what does it take to thrive amongst the chaos, especially in a market driven by changing economic policies, political shifts and global market trends? Welcome to the VUCA world, where you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

In the latest episode of CAM Radio – Clear Cut, our Partner Shishir Vayttaden in an insightful conversation with our Managing Partner Cyril Shroff, Nitin Mittal of Signify India and Disha Chhabra of Coca-Cola explores India’s golden goose in the global market, risk-reward ratios on complex deal structures, how fostering an open dialogue between the regulated and the regulator could mitigate VUCA in the M&A context, how much of an issue VUCA is in India relative to other emerging countries, how strategic objectives may be increasingly valued over stake size, how multinational companies really need predictability with more simplified taxation and more.